Besides acting and his work as a producer, the well-known Hollywood star John Malkovich is also enthusiastic about fashion. He has been interested in it since childhood and now has his own label. His fashion is to be sold online - all the more annoying that a fishing page is displayed under his name, showing photos and videos of anglers with gigantic fish. John freaks out in front of the camera and can't believe that his domain has been registered elsewhere.
Anyone who has noticed that a desired domain name has already been assigned will have been annoyed in this way or something similar. It has even more serious consequences if trademarks or (company) names have been registered elsewhere and are possibly abused. Often only the expensive and time-consuming legal action can be a way out.
In the case of John Malkovich, this is an advertising spot as part of a strong campaign released during the best time of this year's Super Bowl. When you visit the domain, the fisheries page displayed in the advertisement is shown as the start page, which after a few seconds reveals the correct fashion page and displays the corresponding advertisement for the spot.
Don't be annoyed like John - register your domain at before it has been assigned elsewhere! Companies can benefit from a portfolio analysis and those who are as annoyed as John Malkovich in the commercial, the team advises different ways to get the domain back. Please contact us by phone at +49 231 58698-123 or by e-mail at
Here you can watch the commercial.